Hi, I'm David Portelli

Hi, I'm David Portelli


With over 10 years in product development, I balance hands-on product design with leadership duties. My journey spans startups to public companies, working on both customer-facing experiences and internal tooling. I’m passionate about crafting products from scratch - turning ideas into innovative solutions - and thrive in ambiguity and complexity.

Case studies

Enabling a gambling game studio build a game catalogue at lightning speed.Enabling a gambling game studio build a game catalogue at lightning speed.
Building a CRM tool to manage customer offers in the gaming industry.Building a CRM tool to manage customer offers in the gaming industry.
Helping retail investors assess all of their individual portfolios under one roof.Helping retail investors assess all of their individual portfolios under one roof.
Designing a UI system to power a casino game studio’s gamesDesigning a UI system to power a casino game studio’s games


Helping people organize projects and activities using post-it notesHelping people organize projects and activities using post-it notes
Improving the customer payment experience for a global, online casinoImproving the customer payment experience for a global, online casino
Designing a scalable solution to regulatory requirements for a global, online casinoDesigning a scalable solution to regulatory requirements for a global, online casino
Helping cross-functional stakeholders manage new casino games within their bespoke CMSHelping cross-functional stakeholders manage new casino games within their bespoke CMS
Improving game position management within a bespoke casino CMSImproving game position management within a bespoke casino CMS
Turning a dated company site into an all-new strategic assetTurning a dated company site into an all-new strategic asset

Product concepts

Balanced: Setting goals for better health. View full project on Dribbble.
Book community: Discover what others with similar interests are reading. View full project on Dribbble.
Podcast recording app: A DIY solution for anyone with a message to share. View full project on Dribbble.
Remente: A simple, no nonsense, goal setting app. View full project on Dribbble.
To do list planner: Boost your productivity View full project on Dribbble.
Find more concepts on dribbble


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